Assignment #3 Answer
This morning, I put chapter 12 and Assignment 3 behind me. At the rist of invoking the Sin of Pride, I'm pretty proud of myself. Huzzah indeed.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class StringSwapper extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
JTextField inputField = new JTextField("String", 5);
JButton pressMe = new JButton("Press Me");
JTextField outputField = new JTextField(5);
public StringSwapper() {
super("Convert a String");
FlowLayout flow = new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
String input = new String(inputField.getText());
int len = input.length();
char[] gnirts = new char[len];
for (int i = len - 1, c = 0; i > -1; i--, c++) {
gnirts[c] = input.charAt(i);
String output = new String(gnirts);
public static void main(String[] args) {
StringSwapper ss = new StringSwapper();
Excellent. Very nice, good job. In this assignment you proved you understand events, layout managers, and even some string manipulation.
If I may comment on a couple of best practices:
1) You're adding components directly to the frame (well, the content pane of the frame). This is totally fine and legal, but generally I think it's more common to add your components to a JPanel, and add that JPanel to your frame. Thusly:
JPanel p = new JPanel(); // default is flow layout
or in jdk1.5 simply add(p);
This componentizes your layout a little, gives it a little more flexibility. That way, if I told you I wanted an exit button below all the other widgets, you could easily add it to the SOUTH portion of the frame.
2) pack(). I never liked pack(), but you're in the right to use it, this is more personal preference. I always prefer explicitly setting the size and location of the frame. I feel like pack() is non-deterministic. Again, nothing wrong with using it though.
3) Nice little bonus of changing the title after a string reverse.
4) Strings are a complicated, and exceptional class. You'll find all sorts of 'best practices' written about Strings and String performance.
You almost never use the String constructor with a String:
String str = new String("hi there");
You would shorten it to:
String str = "hi there";
5) Nice for loop. Again, what you have works well, but you could have also used the StringBuffer class so that your actionPerformed method could be reduced to one line:
outputField.setText(new StringBuffer(inputField.getText()).reverse().toString());
Thank you! On your comments:
1) Noted. My decision to not use a JPanel followed more from the examples in the 21 Days book where he is only using them where there is need. But I can definitely see, through coding over time, it just makes sense to use JPanels all the time both for uniformity and flexibility.
2) I haven't had a lot of places to choose whether or not to use it, but I like pack() in principle. It appeals to me from the standpoint that its the language's own mechanism for deciding the size of a frame based on its contents. Like item 1, I can see where, through practice, you may want more consistent/precise control over something.
3) Heh, thanks. Obviously that was just in there for the fun of it.
4) I know when I first started out, I had declared both Strings as class variables. I know there was a reason why I moved them down to method variables, but I don't recall the reason.
5) I was really excited about that for loop when I figured it out, but I had a sense that there was probably some way to just take a String and reverse it.
When I decided that I'd measure the input string length and then count forward through one string and backward through the char[], thought of the for loop you illustrated here.
I have yet to encounter StringBuffers in the 21 Days book, though I've come across references to it in the API docs.
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