BBC (Brian's Boot Camp)

Not to be confused with the British Broadcasting Corporation, the BBC will focus on Brian's fast paced journey of the mastery of the Java programming language.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Java in 21 Days Topics

During an offline conversation with Sten (well, it was through e-mail so I guess even it was online) we discussed posting the chapter topics for the Java in 21 Days book that I'm working through. So here they are, by week:

  1. Week 1

    1. Day 1: Getting Started with Java

    2. Day 2: The ABCs of Programming

    3. Day 3: Working with Objects

    4. Day 4: Lists, Logic, and Loops

    5. Day 5: Creating Classes & Methods

    6. Day 6: Packages, Interfaces, and Other Class Functions

    7. Day 7: Threads, Exceptions, and Assertions

  2. Week 2

    1. Day 8: Data Structures

    2. Day 9: Working with Swing

    3. Day 10: Building a Swing Interface

    4. Day 11: Responding to User Input

    5. Day 12: Arranging Components on a User Interface

    6. Day 13: Using Color, Fonts, and Graphics

    7. Day 14: Writing Java Applets and Java Web Start Applications

  3. Week 3

    1. Day 15: Working with Input and Output

    2. Day 16: Serializing and Examining Objects

    3. Day 17: Communicating Across the Internet

    4. Day 18: JavaSound

    5. Day 19: Creating and Using JavaBeans

    6. Day 20: Reading and Writing Data Using JDBC and XML

    7. Day 21: Writing Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages

I think the chapter names are fairly descriptive as far as what they cover, but it would take me forever to post all of the subtopics for all of the chapters. If any clarification is required, please let me know and I'll drill down where necessary. I'm just about to start reading Day 9. Like right this very minute...


Blogger Sten said...

If you wish, you can gloss over applets; I have yet to write an applet professionally.

Here's a breakdown of the optional nature of these chapters from the perspective in what you'll personally be using Java for in the next 6 to 9 months:

Quasi-optional (you'll use these things probably in the near future, but not in the next few months):

Day 16: Serialization
Day 17: Communicating across the internet (if it talks about sockets)

Mid-Optional, good to read about when you have the time, but not necessary for your first 6 months of development. Indeed, it may just confuse the situation since it's a totally different aspect of the language:

Day 21: Servlets and JSPs

Super optional, You may never use these at all (Javabeans are kind of on the outs, unless they are Enterprise grade):

Day 18: JavaSound
Day 19: Javabeans

1:35 PM  
Blogger Brian T. Grant said...

Great. Since I really need to prioritize where I spend my time, would you suggest that I do the following:
1) Keep plugging away at the reading sans chapters 16, 17, 18, 19, 21.
2) Work on the assignments you've given me thus far.
3) When the reading and the assignments are done, read through the above chapters.

Sound good?

2:06 PM  
Blogger Sten said...

I would say:

1) What you said
2) What you said
3) Read day 16 (Serialization) and then shelve the book.

Then split your reading time between:
4) Dive into "The Java Programming Language" absorb as much of that as you can, cover to cover. That stuff is all gold.
5) Your certification study guide.

I imagine I'll continue to give you assignments until you work here, at which point, well, you'll be paid to work on programs you're given to write.

3:11 PM  

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